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A complete guide in choosing the most suitable fasteners for high temperatures

Giussani Gel: how to choose fasteners for high temperaturesIn industry, the choice of appropriate fasteners is crucial to ensure the safety and reliability of plant and equipment. Particularly when working in high temperature conditions, the selection of the right fasteners becomes a crucial challenge.

With this article, we at Gel Giussani want to provide an in-depth guide on how to choose high-temperature fasteners.

The major risks of high-temperature fastening

To begin with, it is necessary to be well aware of the possible risks of fixing at high temperatures.

One of the main risks is thermal deformation, in which fasteners can undergo structural alterations due to temperature fluctuations, possibly resulting in a decrease in tension or even breakage. Moreover, exposure to high temperatures can accelerate corrosion, especially in aggressive environments, putting the integrity of the elements at risk over time. Another important risk is the loss of material performance at extreme temperatures, which can lead to failure of fasteners in critical situations.

High temperature fasteners: some basic parameters to consider

When faced with the need to choose the right fastener for high-temperature applications, it is crucial to delve into material considerations. However, before diving into this selection phase, it is crucial to assess a number of key parameters that will influence the final choice:

  • Exposure temperature: one of the primary factors to consider is the average temperature to which the fastener will be exposed. High-temperature environments can vary widely: from hot industrial ovens to high-performance engines. The ability to withstand these extreme temperatures is essential to ensure the durability and effectiveness of the fastener.
  • Service life: the longevity of the application is another decisive aspect. It is important to determine whether the fastener will have to withstand high temperatures for extended periods or whether it will be a short-term application. The choice of materials and coatings will have to adapt to this time variable.
  • Vibration and shock: if the application involves vibration or shock, the fastener must be designed to handle these mechanical stresses. Fatigue resistance and the ability to maintain adequate fastener tension are key aspects to consider under such conditions.
  • Corrosion: in high temperature environments, corrosion can pose a significant threat. The choice of corrosion-resistant materials, such as nickel alloys, stainless steels or special coatings, is vital to prevent fastener deterioration over time.
  • Electrical conductivity: some applications require the fastener to conduct electricity. In these cases, appropriate conductive materials must be selected to ensure the proper functioning of the system.

By carefully considering these parameters, it is possible to identify the most suitable fastener for the high-temperature environment in which it will be used.

Materials for high-temperature fasteners

The first consideration when choosing high-temperature fasteners is the material. Among the most suitable materials for high temperatures, metal alloys are a solid option.

Stainless steel, for example, offers exceptional heat resistance, hardness, and corrosion resistance. This alloy is ideal for high-temperature applications and can withstand temperatures of over 1,100°C.

Other alloys, such as nickel-chromium-based super alloys, offer just as many options for high-temperature environments, with characteristics such as resistance to oxidation and maintaining strength in corrosive environments.

Giussani Gel fasteners for high temperatures

At Giussani Gel, we produce a wide range of fasteners with special materials conforming to American ASTM standards, such as ASTM categories A193 – B7, A193 – B7M, A320 – L7 and A320 – L7M. These materials are widely used in the oil and gas industry, where extreme conditions require robust and heat-resistant fasteners. In addition, we provide fasteners made from AISI 302, 304, 304L and 316 austenitic stainless steels, which are ideal for high temperature environments due to their corrosion resistance.

Finally, our professional staff is available to develop customised solutions to meet specific thermal needs; contact us now via the form on the contact page!